UPDATE: YOU helped raise $700.00 Through United Way with your "Won't be Shaken by No Storm" contributions!
Way to go people!! OoRah! :-)
Tennessee flood relief. Erika Chambers' "Won't be Shaken by No Storm"
"In case you hadn't heard. Nashville just suffered a 100 year flood. And it has been unspeakably devastating. Over the past week, I've watched heartbreaking footage of my city, my community being destroyed. I felt helpless. What could I possibly do?
I don't have a lot of money and resources, but I have a voice and a song, and I'm going to use them to make a difference. I wrote the song, "Won't be Shaken by No Storm" a few months ago, recorded it with my friends, Ricky and Micol of Blue Mother Tupelo, and just finished mixing it just two days before the rain began to fall. Now the lyrics are strangely fitting.
You can download the song and a coordinating "Nashville Won't be Shaken by No Storm" poster for a 5$ minimum donation at www.erikachambers.bandcamp.com . ALL the money raised by the downloads will go directly to local flood relief through United Way of Metropolitan Nashville's "Restore the Dream" fund. You can read their response to the flood here: www.unitedwaynashville.org/
Please download the song and proudly print and display the "Nashville Won't be Shaken by No Storm" poster at work or at home. Most importantly, please pray for the recovering citizens of my beautiful city and pass this message on to as many of your friends as you can.
(also visit my friends Ricky and Micol Davis at www.bluemothertupelo.com )"
“He is risen” Hallelujah!!!